Dogs: The ideal apartment pet
There are all kinds of things you want in your home. Great decorations, accent rugs, great pillows. Perhaps loveseat and couch set. But what really makes a home is a pet.
Not every landlord will allow pets, but the ones that do obviously have soft hearts and a love for animals too.
The reality is, pets have been proven to make people feel at ease in their homes. They are great companions who help with mental health, physical health and everything in between.
So, if your landlord says pets are allowed we’ve made a list of dogs that would make great small home or apartment pets.
These dogs barely bark and make great pets for thin walled apartments. They rarely grow past 18 inches or 25 pounds. But, be sure not to leave the dog unattended for a long period of time. Being left alone can make the dog mischievous.
Bichon Frise
This fluffy energetic dog won’t get taller than a foot. They don’t shed very much, but they require quite a bit of exercise. They’re playful, an ideal pet.
Boston Terrier
These dogs are great companions. They’re ideally sized but require constant exercise. A great excuse to go outside and walk.
Not up for the exercise thing? How about a bulldog? They don’t require a lot of exercise and like the best of us, they will spend most of their time snoozing and relaxing. This makes bulldogs ideal for apartment life.
Despite their untrust of strangers in their home. These dogs are small and are eternally devoted to their owners. Beware of barking, though, these dogs can be quite vocal.
These undoubtedly adorable creatures are perfect to be exercised indoors. They are especially small and loveable. Perfect for any space.
This one may surprise you because of their remarkable size. But Greyhounds are quiet, timid dogs that make great pets in small spaces. They like long walks, and require steady exercise.
This fluffy monster is a wonderful apartment dog. They need lots of exercise but they are a very independent dog. They can be left to socialize and exercise on their own. But, it’s important to know that these dogs are vocal and need to be trained for when barking is appropriate.
Small and playful, these adorable squish-faced dogs make great pets. They are not vocal dogs so keeping them in small space is ideal for any small home or apartment owner.
Toy Fox Terrier
These small pets are extremely intelligent. These dogs require exercise but are also comfortable to curl up and cuddle with their owner.
These are just different apartment friendly dogs, there are much more. But don’t throw away the idea of a furry companion for the small home.