Common Repairs and Fixes
As a landlord or a property manager, there will be common repairs and issues you will see when managing various properties. But what are they exactly? Being aware of these common issues can help to prevent them in the future. This can save you money, time and man hours.
Smoke detectors. In most areas, it’s required by law to have a smoke detector in the home. They can help detect a fire in the event no one is home or sleeping. But, the minute you burn something on the stove it could go off, too.
People often disconnect their smoke detectors to get rid of the noise temporarily. But, they forget to plug them back in later. Regular inspections and check-ups on smoke detectors are helpful in an emergency. This can ensure your tenants and property are safe.
On top of that, common problems can also be found with your water heater. This can be due to inadequate temperature or the pressure relief valve and improper installation of TPR valve discharge pipe. It’s a good idea to have your local power company make sure these are in order.
Proper exits. It’s imperative that each sleeping room has two safety exits. A door, and a properly sized window. This window can help ensure that a person can get out if for some reason exit through the door is not possible, which can prevent accidents. But what other things can a landlord have that will keep tenants safe?
Extra, extra keys. It’s a good idea that a landlord has at least one set of extra keys for each unit and apartment they own. It might be useful to even get a key-press. Keeping those keys well-organized and labeled will be helpful in an emergency.
If you get a pest problem, be sure to check and inspect what kind of pest problem it is. As well, you should avoid using poisons because this will be dangerous for tenants. It’s important to make sure once the pest problem is gone you keep checking back. Enforcing rules about cleanliness can be helpful here. Pests are usually a sign of improper cleaning.
Checking your furnaces, flues and heating systems every year is important. Cleaning them each year will help you ensure that an accident would be unlikely. If this is not done, a landlord could be responsible for lawsuits, or even death. You don’t want that do you?
Clogged drains are a problem in homes. A clogged drain will really cause a problem in a home. Advise your tenants not to pour food, grease or other solids down the drain. However, if the problem appears larger than originally anticipated, call a licensed plumber. But there could also be other issues.
A good landlord or property manager will also inspect for electrical issues, even though it may be difficult. These can be harder to find and repair. Each year the tenant leaves, be sure to do an extensive investigation. Electrical issues could lead to fire or harm a child or pet, or anyone living in the building. At all cost, avoid unnecessary repairs.